

Being & Belonging, Perspectives in North Carolina, FedEx Global Educational Center, UNC at Chapel Hill, NC

BFA Senior Photography Show, Emerge Gallery and Art Center, Greenville NC


BFA Senior Photography Show, Don't Smile, http://dont-smile.com/articles/ecu-bfa-photography-vision-2020

BFA Senior Photography Show, East Carolina University, https://art.ecu.edu/ug20/phg/

Rhythmic Narrations, Health and Science Student Gallery, East Carolina University, Greenville NC


1st place in Photography, School of Art and Design Undergraduate Exhibition, Gray Gallery, East Carolina University, Greenville NC

Lolita’s Centennial Celebration, Martin Luther King JR, Labor Center, New York NY

Junior Photography Show, Emerge Gallery and Art Center, Greenville NC 

BFA Cyanotype Show, East Carolina University, Greenville NC 


BFA Digital Photography Show, East Carolina University, Greenville NC 

Graphic Design Portfolio Show, Greenville Museum of Art, Greenville NC 

7th Annual Black History Exhibition, Goees Student Center, Pitt Community College, Greenville NC 

8th Annual Fine Art Community Exhibition Goees Student Center, Pitt Community College, Greenville NC

All rights reserved. © Gloribel Irizarry 2020
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